Home > Paging Doctor Twat! I need to increase semen now!

August 21st, 2011 Posted in Uncategorized

The other day I took my mom to some doctor to consult on the risks vs. benefits of treating an aneurysm in her head.  The doctor really doesn’t think it is a good idea, since my mom is 76 and they will need to saw off half her head.  I agree with the doc.  She was a kinda’ hot Asian girl.  I think Chinese.  She just doesn’t take good care of herself but her bone structure is really beautiful.  All she really needs is to get a manicure, invest in the best lip gloss money can buy, and I would have dropped a load in her mouth right in front of my mom.  My mom has Alzheimer’s, so she would probably clap and cheer.  I really shouldn’t make fun of it, but Alzheimer’s is so sad and fucked up, I might as well get something for my misery.

What is also crazy is I had hair analysis done.  Hair analysis gives you a really accurate picture of what is going on in your body over time in terms of minerals, basic nutrients, and toxic elements.  I discovered I have massive amounts of lithium in my system.  Where it comes from is anybody’s guess, but Japan dumps it in their water supply to lower their suicide rate.  Perhaps the image below helps to explain why they have such a high suicide rate in their country?

Yikes… but I am pissed off because they’ve been talking about adding lithium to the water supply here – which does not increase semen production, and already did an experiment somewhere in Texas.  But when they are talking about it, they’ve probably already been doing it.  It’s like, “Hey we just cloned a sheep what do you think about the ethics of cloning humans?”  If they are talking shit like this, they’ve been cloning humans for 50 years already.  We are all living in the dark ages with technology being suppressed to keep us enslaved.  My solution to most problems with our government involve my favorite precious metal – lead!







Seriously, Mao once said that power is at the end of the barrel of a gun and I think it will come down to that in this country one day.  When you think about how many guns are in this country- not just handguns and shotguns but serious military weaponry in the hands of civilians, it is no surprise that they are pumping fluoride and lithium into the drinking water to keep everybody docile.  It will be interesting to see what happens in the future, but I doubt anything will because as long as we aren’t homeless or starving, and have internet access there will be no revolution coming.

I was invited to do a gangbang film tomorrow but I was planning on wearing this really cool artistic mask and it didn’t arrive yet (lazy artists) so it looks like I won’t be doing the scene.  I get invited to these things quite often but the girl is usually not my type so I pass.  This one, however, was pretty cool.



Plato Powers writes regularly about anything that involves men's sexual health and all the adventures that a homosapien male encounters in his everyday life.

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