Home > Is every girl a porn star these days?

March 4th, 2012 Posted in Uncategorized

One of my good friends just sent me a text about how depressing it is that he sees all these endless young girls in porn videos on the tube sites, yet he “isn’t getting laid.”  Now mind you, this friend of mine gets laid a lot relatively speaking (which is why I put his complaint in quotations) – but the women aren’t exactly falling from the sky… which is the situation for most guys… unless they are very rich, famous, or both.  Most of us have to work at it, and if you look at all successful PUAs, you will find two traits in common that define their success:

1.Delusional self-confidence bordering on the sociopathological.

2.Opening every woman in site.

For us non-psychopaths who are aware of our faults on the periphery when we approach a woman (taking penis pills definitely makes you so horny you don’t care about outcome and just approach), and who have a problem approaching women we aren’t really interested in, our successes are immediately cut down considerably.

Which is why it can be frustrating when you browse a tube site and it dawns on you that there are thousands-upon-thousands of young, hot sluts out there who are soooo wild and crazy, they do porn.  It’s like doing porn is some fucking rite-of-passage for young women in this country.  Yet, you never run into them!  Where are all these wonderful sluts at?  Is there some fountain from which these women spring?   Where is our Ponce de Leon who will uncover this modern-day fountain of (aberrant) youth? LOL



Plato Powers writes regularly about anything that involves men's sexual health and all the adventures that a homosapien male encounters in his everyday life.

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